Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------bl-
2 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 //
4 // GRINS - General Reacting Incompressible Navier-Stokes
5 //
6 // Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Paul T. Bauman, Roy H. Stogner
7 // Copyright (C) 2010-2013 The PECOS Development Team
8 //
9 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10 // modify it under the terms of the Version 2.1 GNU Lesser General
11 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
12 //
13 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 // Lesser General Public License for more details.
17 //
18 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
19 // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
20 // Foundation, Inc. 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
21 // Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
22 //
23 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------el-
25 // This class
28 // GRINS
29 #include "grins/multiphysics_sys.h"
31 #include "grins/string_utils.h"
36 // libMesh
37 #include "libmesh/getpot.h"
38 #include "libmesh/mesh_base.h"
39 #include "libmesh/boundary_info.h"
40 #include "libmesh/parallel_mesh.h"
41 #include "libmesh/elem.h"
43 namespace GRINS
44 {
46  void DefaultBCBuilder::build_bcs( const GetPot& input, MultiphysicsSystem& system,
47  std::vector<SharedPtr<NeumannBCContainer> >& neumann_bcs )
48  {
49  libMesh::DofMap& dof_map = system.get_dof_map();
51  // Setup map between boundary section name and the boundary ids
52  std::map<std::string,std::set<BoundaryID> > bc_id_map;
53  this->parse_and_build_bc_id_map( input, bc_id_map );
55  // The user must have mapped all boundary ids present in the mesh.
56  // Additionally, they can't have specified an boundary id that doesn't
57  // exist.
58  this->verify_bc_ids_with_mesh( system, bc_id_map );
60  // Parse variable sections. These correspond to the names of FEVariables
61  // We will be looking for all variable sections in all boundary sections
62  // that are not "constraint" variables (i.e. FEVariablesBase::_is_constraint)
63  std::set<std::string> var_sections;
64  this->parse_var_sections( input, var_sections );
66  // Cache the map between boundary ids and subdomain ids
67  // We map to a vector because it's possible to have an "interface"
68  // boundary id that touches multiple elements with differing
69  // subdomain ids
70  std::map<BoundaryID,std::vector<libMesh::subdomain_id_type> >
71  bc_id_to_subdomain_id_map;
74  bc_id_to_subdomain_id_map );
76  for( std::map<std::string,std::set<BoundaryID> >::const_iterator bc_it = bc_id_map.begin();
77  bc_it != bc_id_map.end(); ++bc_it )
78  {
79  const std::string& bc_name = bc_it->first;
81  const std::set<BoundaryID>& bc_ids = bc_it->second;
83  // Check for special types of boundary conditions that can be
84  // specified as a single type that applies to all boundaries
85  std::string type_input_section = BoundaryConditionNames::bc_section()+"/"+bc_name;
86  std::string type_input = type_input_section+"/type";
88  if( input.have_variable(type_input) )
89  {
90  this->build_type_based_bcs(input,system,bc_ids,dof_map,
91  type_input_section,var_sections,
92  neumann_bcs);
93  }
94  // Otherwise, we look for each Variable section and the
95  // boundary conditions specified therein
96  else
97  {
98  this->build_bcs_by_var_section(input,system,bc_name,bc_ids,dof_map,
99  var_sections,bc_id_to_subdomain_id_map,
100  neumann_bcs);
101  }
102  }
103  }
105  void DefaultBCBuilder::build_type_based_bcs( const GetPot& input,
106  MultiphysicsSystem& system,
107  const std::set<BoundaryID>& bc_ids,
108  libMesh::DofMap& dof_map,
109  const std::string& type_input_section,
110  std::set<std::string>& var_sections,
111  std::vector<SharedPtr<NeumannBCContainer> >& neumann_bcs)
112  {
113  std::string type_input = type_input_section+"/type";
114  std::string bc_type = input( type_input, std::string("DIE!") );
116  if( bc_type == BoundaryConditionNames::axisymmetric() )
117  {
118  // Check and make sure the Physics thinks it's axisymmetric, otherwise error
119  if( !Physics::is_axisymmetric() )
120  libmesh_error_msg("ERROR: Must specify Physics/is_axisymmetric = true for axisymmetric BC!");
122  // Now build the boundary condition
123  this->build_axisymmetric_bcs(input,system,bc_ids,dof_map,
124  bc_type,var_sections,neumann_bcs);
125  }
126  else if( bc_type == BoundaryConditionNames::periodic() )
127  {
128  this->build_periodic_bc(input,system,bc_ids,type_input_section);
129  }
130  else
131  {
132  std::string error_msg = "ERROR: Invalid type '"+bc_type+"' for "+type_input+"!\n";
133  error_msg += " Valid values are: "+BoundaryConditionNames::axisymmetric()+"\n";
134  error_msg += " "+BoundaryConditionNames::periodic()+"\n";
135  error_msg += " If your boundary condition is not one of these types, then \n";
136  error_msg += " you must specify the boundary condition type for each Variable\n";
137  error_msg += " section. Please have a look at the examples.\n";
138  libmesh_error_msg(error_msg);
139  }
140  }
142  void DefaultBCBuilder::build_axisymmetric_bcs( const GetPot& input,
143  MultiphysicsSystem& system,
144  const std::set<BoundaryID>& bc_ids,
145  libMesh::DofMap& dof_map,
146  const std::string& bc_type,
147  std::set<std::string>& var_sections,
148  std::vector<SharedPtr<NeumannBCContainer> >& neumann_bcs )
149  {
150  // Axisymmetric depends on the variable type.
151  // So, we loop over all the Variable names and prepend the type
152  // with the variable name. So, the factories for axisymmetric
153  // need to be instantiated with, e.g., Velocity_axisymmetric
154  for( std::set<std::string>::const_iterator vars = var_sections.begin();
155  vars != var_sections.end(); ++vars )
156  {
157  const std::string& var_section = *vars;
159  // Grab FEVariable
160  const FEVariablesBase& fe_var =
163  // We don't need to do anything for constraint variables
164  if( fe_var.is_constraint_var() )
165  continue;
167  std::string full_bc_type = var_section+"_"+bc_type;
169  // Axisymmetric is Dirichlet or Neumann, depending on the Variable
170  if( this->is_dirichlet_bc_type(full_bc_type) )
171  {
172  this->construct_dbc_core( input,
173  system,
174  bc_ids,
175  fe_var,
176  std::string("dummy"), // No section needed for axisymmetric
177  full_bc_type,
178  dof_map );
179  }
180  else if( this->is_neumann_bc_type(full_bc_type) )
181  {
182  this->construct_nbc_core( input,
183  system,
184  bc_ids,
185  fe_var,
186  std::string("dummy"), // No section needed for axisymmetric
187  full_bc_type,
188  neumann_bcs );
189  }
190  else
191  libmesh_error_msg("ERROR! Invalid axisymmetric type: "+full_bc_type);
192  }
193  }
196  MultiphysicsSystem& system,
197  const std::string& bc_name,
198  const std::set<BoundaryID>& bc_ids,
199  libMesh::DofMap& dof_map,
200  std::set<std::string>& var_sections,
201  const std::map<BoundaryID,std::vector<libMesh::subdomain_id_type> >& bc_id_to_subdomain_id_map,
202  std::vector<SharedPtr<NeumannBCContainer> >& neumann_bcs)
203  {
204  for( std::set<std::string>::const_iterator vars = var_sections.begin();
205  vars != var_sections.end(); ++vars )
206  {
207  const std::string& var_section = *vars;
209  // Setup the input section we're in. We use this, but
210  // this is also the section where the BCFactory will try
211  // to parse the values, if it needs to, so let's set up
212  // once and reuse it.
213  std::string input_section = std::string(BoundaryConditionNames::bc_section()+"/"+bc_name+"/"+var_section);
215  // All the boundary ids have the same subdomain id (this is checked
216  // earlier), so just grab the first one
217  std::map<BoundaryID,std::vector<libMesh::subdomain_id_type> >::const_iterator
218  subdomain_ids_iter = bc_id_to_subdomain_id_map.find(*bc_ids.begin());
220  // If we're on a DistributedMesh we might need to learn about
221  // subdomain ids from other processors.
222  std::vector<libMesh::subdomain_id_type> subdomain_ids;
223  if (subdomain_ids_iter != bc_id_to_subdomain_id_map.end())
224  subdomain_ids = subdomain_ids_iter->second;
225  system.comm().allgather(subdomain_ids);
226  std::sort( subdomain_ids.begin(), subdomain_ids.end() );
227  subdomain_ids.erase
228  (std::unique(subdomain_ids.begin(), subdomain_ids.end()),
229  subdomain_ids.end() );
231  // Grab the FEVariable
232  const FEVariablesBase& fe_var =
235  bool var_active = this->is_var_active( fe_var, subdomain_ids );
237  // If the variable is *not* active and the section is there,
238  // that's an error.
239  if( !var_active && input.have_section(input_section) )
240  {
241  std::stringstream error_msg;
242  error_msg << "ERROR: Cannot specify boundary condition for variable "
243  << var_section << " on boundary " << bc_name << std::endl
244  << "since it is inactive on the subdomain associated "
245  << "with this boundary." << std::endl;
246  libmesh_error_msg(error_msg.str());
247  }
249  // Make sure this section is there,
250  // unless that variable is a constraint variable
251  // or it's not enabled on this subdomain
252  if( !input.have_section(input_section) )
253  {
254  if( fe_var.is_constraint_var() || !var_active )
255  continue;
256  else
257  libmesh_error_msg("ERROR: Could not find boundary condition specification for "+input_section+"!");
259  }
261  // Grab the type of the boundary condition
262  // There may be more than one type (e.g. pin displacement in
263  // two directions and load in the third direction).
264  std::string bc_type_section = input_section+"/type";
265  unsigned int n_bc_types = input.vector_variable_size(bc_type_section);
267  for( unsigned int bc_type_idx = 0; bc_type_idx < n_bc_types; bc_type_idx++ )
268  {
269  std::string bc_type = input(bc_type_section, std::string("DIE!"), bc_type_idx);
271  if( this->is_dirichlet_bc_type(bc_type) )
272  {
273  this->construct_dbc_core( input,system, bc_ids,
274  fe_var, input_section,
275  bc_type, dof_map );
276  }
277  else if( this->is_neumann_bc_type(bc_type) )
278  {
279  this->construct_nbc_core( input,system, bc_ids,
280  fe_var, input_section,
281  bc_type, neumann_bcs );
282  }
283  else
284  libmesh_error_msg("ERROR: Invalid bc_type "+bc_type+"!");
286  } // end loop over bc_types
288  } // end loop over variable sections
289  }
292  std::map<std::string,std::set<BoundaryID> >& bc_id_map )
293  {
294  // First, make sure the proper input variables have been set
295  if( !input.have_variable(BoundaryConditionNames::bc_ids_var()) ||
296  !input.have_variable(BoundaryConditionNames::bc_id_name_map_var()) )
297  {
298  std::string error_msg = "ERROR: Must specify both "+BoundaryConditionNames::bc_ids_var();
299  error_msg += " and "+BoundaryConditionNames::bc_id_name_map_var()+"!";
300  libmesh_error_msg(error_msg);
301  }
303  // Make sure the vectors are the same size
304  unsigned int n_ids = input.vector_variable_size(BoundaryConditionNames::bc_ids_var());
305  unsigned int n_names = input.vector_variable_size(BoundaryConditionNames::bc_id_name_map_var());
307  if( n_ids != n_names )
308  libmesh_error_msg("ERROR: Must have matching number of boundary id sets and boundary names!");
310  // We'll build this up along the way and then double check
311  // that we have a one-to-one match with the boundary ids
312  // that the mesh knows about
313  std::set<BoundaryID> all_bc_ids;
315  // Now build up the map
316  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < n_names; i++ )
317  {
318  std::string bc_name = input(BoundaryConditionNames::bc_id_name_map_var(),std::string("DIE!"),i);
319  std::string bc_ids_input = input(BoundaryConditionNames::bc_ids_var(),std::string("DIE!"),i);
321  // Users can group multiple bc_ids together with the ':' delimiter
322  std::vector<std::string> bc_ids_str;
323  StringUtilities::split_string( bc_ids_input, ":", bc_ids_str );
324  std::set<BoundaryID> bc_ids;
326  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = bc_ids_str.begin();
327  it < bc_ids_str.end(); ++it )
328  {
329  BoundaryID id = StringUtilities::string_to_T<BoundaryID>(*it);
331  // Can only specify a boundary id once
332  if( (bc_ids.find(id) != bc_ids.end()) ||
333  (all_bc_ids.find(id) != all_bc_ids.end()) )
334  libmesh_error_msg("ERROR: Can only specify a boundary ID once!");
336  bc_ids.insert(id);
337  all_bc_ids.insert(id);
338  }
340  // Insert pair into the bc_id_map
341  bc_id_map.insert( std::make_pair( bc_name, bc_ids ) );
342  }
343  }
346  const std::map<std::string,std::set<BoundaryID> >& bc_id_map ) const
347  {
348  const libMesh::MeshBase& mesh = system.get_mesh();
349  const libMesh::BoundaryInfo& boundary_info = mesh.get_boundary_info();
351  std::set<BoundaryID> mesh_ids = boundary_info.get_boundary_ids();
352  mesh.comm().set_union(mesh_ids);
354  // Collect all the bc_ids into one set so we can just compare the sets
355  std::set<BoundaryID> all_ids;
357  for( std::map<std::string,std::set<BoundaryID> >::const_iterator bc_it = bc_id_map.begin();
358  bc_it != bc_id_map.end(); ++bc_it )
359  all_ids.insert( (bc_it->second).begin(), (bc_it->second).end() );
361  if( mesh_ids != all_ids )
362  {
363  std::string err_msg = "ERROR: Mismatch between specified boundary ids and the boundary ids in the mesh!\n";
364  err_msg += "User specified ids: ";
366  for( std::set<BoundaryID>::const_iterator it = all_ids.begin();
367  it != all_ids.end(); ++it )
368  err_msg += StringUtilities::T_to_string<BoundaryID>(*it)+" ";
370  err_msg += "\n";
372  err_msg += "Mesh specified ids: ";
374  for( std::set<BoundaryID>::const_iterator it = mesh_ids.begin();
375  it != mesh_ids.end(); ++it )
376  err_msg += StringUtilities::T_to_string<BoundaryID>(*it)+" ";
378  err_msg += "\n";
380  libmesh_error_msg(err_msg);
381  }
382  }
384  void DefaultBCBuilder::build_periodic_bc( const GetPot& input,
385  libMesh::System& system,
386  const std::set<BoundaryID>& bc_ids,
387  const std::string& section )
388  {
389  // Make sure we're not using a ParallelMesh
390  //
391  const libMesh::MeshBase& mesh = system.get_mesh();
392  const libMesh::ParallelMesh* pmesh = dynamic_cast<const libMesh::ParallelMesh*>(&mesh);
393  if(pmesh)
394  {
395  std::stringstream error_msg;
396  error_msg << "ERROR: Cannot use ParallelMesh with periodic boundary conditions!"
397  << std::endl
398  << " See for discussion."
399  << std::endl;
400  libmesh_error_msg(error_msg.str());
401  }
403  libMesh::boundary_id_type invalid_bid =
404  std::numeric_limits<libMesh::boundary_id_type>::max();
406  libMesh::boundary_id_type slave_id = invalid_bid;
407  libMesh::boundary_id_type master_id = invalid_bid;
409  this->parse_periodic_master_slave_ids(input,section,master_id,slave_id);
411  if( bc_ids.find(slave_id) == bc_ids.end() ||
412  bc_ids.find(master_id) == bc_ids.end() )
413  libmesh_error_msg("ERROR: Mismatch between bc_ids and master/slave ids for perioid bcs!");
415  libMesh::RealVectorValue offset_vector =
416  this->parse_periodic_offset(input,section);
418  libMesh::DofMap& dof_map = system.get_dof_map();
420  this->add_periodic_bc_to_dofmap( master_id, slave_id, offset_vector, dof_map );
421  }
424  ( const GetPot& input, const std::string& section,
425  libMesh::boundary_id_type& master_id,
426  libMesh::boundary_id_type& slave_id ) const
427  {
428  if( !input.have_variable(section+"/master_id") )
429  libmesh_error_msg("ERROR: Could not find master_id in section "+section);
431  if( !input.have_variable(section+"/slave_id") )
432  libmesh_error_msg("ERROR: Could not find slave_id in section "+section);
434  libMesh::boundary_id_type invalid_bid =
435  std::numeric_limits<libMesh::boundary_id_type>::max();
437  master_id = input(section+"/master_id", invalid_bid);
438  slave_id = input(section+"/slave_id", invalid_bid);
439  }
441  libMesh::RealVectorValue DefaultBCBuilder::parse_periodic_offset
442  (const GetPot& input, const std::string& section) const
443  {
444  std::string input_section = section+"/boundary_offset";
445  if( !input.have_variable(input_section) )
446  libmesh_error_msg("ERROR: Could not find boundary_offset in section "+section);
448  unsigned int n_comps = input.vector_variable_size(input_section);
450  if( n_comps > 3 )
451  libmesh_error_msg("ERROR: Cannot specify more than 3 components for boundary_offset!");
453  libMesh::RealVectorValue offset;
454  libMesh::Real invalid_real = std::numeric_limits<libMesh::Real>::max();
456  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < n_comps; i++ )
457  offset(i) = input(input_section, invalid_real, i );
459  return offset;
460  }
463  ( const MultiphysicsSystem& system,
464  std::map<BoundaryID,std::vector<libMesh::subdomain_id_type> >& bc_id_to_subdomain_id_map ) const
465  {
466  std::vector<libMesh::dof_id_type> elem_ids;
467  std::vector<unsigned short int> side_ids;
468  std::vector<BoundaryID> bc_ids;
470  const libMesh::MeshBase& mesh = system.get_mesh();
472  // Extract the list of elements on the boundary
473  mesh.get_boundary_info().build_active_side_list( elem_ids, side_ids, bc_ids );
475  libmesh_assert_equal_to( elem_ids.size(), side_ids.size() );
476  libmesh_assert_equal_to( elem_ids.size(), bc_ids.size() );
478  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < elem_ids.size(); i++ )
479  {
480  const libMesh::Elem* elem_ptr = mesh.elem_ptr(elem_ids[i]);
482  libMesh::subdomain_id_type subdomain_id = elem_ptr->subdomain_id();
484  std::map<BoundaryID,std::vector<libMesh::subdomain_id_type> >::iterator
485  map_it = bc_id_to_subdomain_id_map.find(bc_ids[i]);
487  if( map_it == bc_id_to_subdomain_id_map.end() )
488  {
489  std::vector<libMesh::subdomain_id_type> sid(1,subdomain_id);
490  bc_id_to_subdomain_id_map.insert(std::make_pair(bc_ids[i],sid));
491  }
492  else
493  {
494  std::vector<libMesh::subdomain_id_type>& sids = map_it->second;
495  bool found_sid = false;
497  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < sids.size(); i++ )
498  {
499  if( sids[i] == subdomain_id )
500  found_sid = true;
501  }
503  if( !found_sid && (sids.size() > 2) )
504  libmesh_error_msg("ERROR: How do you have more than 2 subdomain ids for a boundary id?!");
505  else if( !found_sid && sids.size() < 2 )
506  sids.push_back(subdomain_id);
507  }
508  }
509  }
512  const std::vector<libMesh::subdomain_id_type>& subdomain_ids ) const
513  {
514  bool var_active = false;
516  // If the var subdomain_ids are empty, then this var is active
517  // on the whole domain and we don't need to do anything
518  if( var.subdomain_ids().empty() )
519  var_active = true;
521  else
522  {
523  // Now check if this variable is enabled on this subdomain
524  const std::set<libMesh::subdomain_id_type>& var_subdomain_ids =
525  var.subdomain_ids();
527  for(std::vector<libMesh::subdomain_id_type>::const_iterator id = subdomain_ids.begin(); id < subdomain_ids.end(); ++id )
528  {
529  if( var_subdomain_ids.find(*id) != var_subdomain_ids.end() )
530  var_active = true;
531  }
532  }
534  return var_active;
535  }
537 } // end namespace GRINS
static bool is_axisymmetric()
Definition: physics.h:132
void parse_and_build_bc_id_map(const GetPot &input, std::map< std::string, std::set< BoundaryID > > &bc_id_map)
void construct_dbc_core(const GetPot &input, MultiphysicsSystem &system, const std::set< BoundaryID > &bc_ids, const FEVariablesBase &fe_var, const std::string &section, const std::string &bc_type, libMesh::DofMap &dof_map)
Definition: bc_builder.C:76
void construct_nbc_core(const GetPot &input, MultiphysicsSystem &system, const std::set< BoundaryID > &bc_ids, const FEVariablesBase &fe_var, const std::string &section, const std::string &bc_type, std::vector< SharedPtr< NeumannBCContainer > > &neumann_bcs)
Definition: bc_builder.C:106
libMesh::boundary_id_type BoundaryID
More descriptive name of the type used for boundary ids.
Definition: var_typedefs.h:56
bool is_dirichlet_bc_type(const std::string &bc_type)
Definition: bc_builder.C:139
void build_periodic_bc(const GetPot &input, libMesh::System &system, const std::set< BoundaryID > &bc_ids, const std::string &section)
bool is_var_active(const FEVariablesBase &var, const std::vector< libMesh::subdomain_id_type > &subdomain_ids) const
Check if the Variable var is active on the given subdomain_id.
void add_periodic_bc_to_dofmap(libMesh::boundary_id_type master_id, libMesh::boundary_id_type slave_id, const libMesh::RealVectorValue &offset_vector, libMesh::DofMap &dof_map)
Definition: bc_builder.C:151
void build_type_based_bcs(const GetPot &input, MultiphysicsSystem &system, const std::set< BoundaryID > &bc_ids, libMesh::DofMap &dof_map, const std::string &type_input_section, std::set< std::string > &var_sections, std::vector< SharedPtr< NeumannBCContainer > > &neumann_bcs)
Helper function to build boundary conditions specified by a single type.
void parse_periodic_master_slave_ids(const GetPot &input, const std::string &section, libMesh::boundary_id_type &master_id, libMesh::boundary_id_type &slave_id) const
void verify_bc_ids_with_mesh(const MultiphysicsSystem &system, const std::map< std::string, std::set< BoundaryID > > &bc_id_map) const
GRINS namespace.
libMesh::RealVectorValue parse_periodic_offset(const GetPot &input, const std::string &section) const
static FEVariablesBase & get_variable(const std::string &var_name)
void build_bcs_by_var_section(const GetPot &input, MultiphysicsSystem &system, const std::string &bc_name, const std::set< BoundaryID > &bc_ids, libMesh::DofMap &dof_map, std::set< std::string > &var_sections, const std::map< BoundaryID, std::vector< libMesh::subdomain_id_type > > &bc_id_to_subdomain_id_map, std::vector< SharedPtr< NeumannBCContainer > > &neumann_bcs)
Helper function to build boundary conditions using Variable sections.
const std::set< libMesh::subdomain_id_type > & subdomain_ids() const
void build_bc_to_subdomain_map_check_with_mesh(const MultiphysicsSystem &system, std::map< BoundaryID, std::vector< libMesh::subdomain_id_type > > &bc_id_to_subdomain_id_map) const
Build up bc_id to subdomain_id map.
Interface with libMesh for solving Multiphysics problems.
virtual void build_bcs(const GetPot &input, MultiphysicsSystem &system, std::vector< SharedPtr< NeumannBCContainer > > &neumann_bcs)
void split_string(const std::string &input, const std::string &delimiter, std::vector< std::string > &results)
Definition: string_utils.C:31
bool is_constraint_var() const
static std::string bc_section()
Outer section name for boundary conditions section in input file.
bool is_neumann_bc_type(const std::string &bc_type)
Definition: bc_builder.C:145
static std::string bc_id_name_map_var()
Names of boundaries to correspond with bc_ids.
static std::string bc_ids_var()
Variable for list boundary ids to correspond with bc_id_name_map.
void build_axisymmetric_bcs(const GetPot &input, MultiphysicsSystem &system, const std::set< BoundaryID > &bc_ids, libMesh::DofMap &dof_map, const std::string &bc_type, std::set< std::string > &var_sections, std::vector< SharedPtr< NeumannBCContainer > > &neumann_bcs)
static void parse_var_sections(const GetPot &input, std::set< std::string > &sections)
Parses the input file for [Variables] first-level subsections.

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